5 Key Strategies to Help Manage and Communicate Effectively with Gen Z in The Workplace

When it comes to Gen Z, you hear comments such as:
“They have horrible work ethic”
“They always think they are right”
“They consider feedback to be an attack”
“They are hard to manage”

As a professional whose job it is to train people on how to communicate effectively, collaborate successfully and teach organizations how to work productively, I know first hand that managing different generations in the workplace is challenging.

Different generations cannot follow the same prescription for success as their predecessors. The workplace in 2025 is a melting pot of generations, composed of four vastly different generations all needing to work together on a shared goal. And yet, with Boomers, Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z all competing for the “right” way to do business, conflict is rife, training falls flat and productivity falters.

It’s important to understand the contextual differences each generation brings to the workplace so we can understand how to best communicate with each other.

Let’s break down the basics of what the workforce looks like in 2024:

  • Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964, roughly 20% of the workforce.) Baby Boomers are products of the traditional corporate ladder, were rewarded for their loyalty to their companies and view the corporate ladder as secure and linear. They interpret a separation between work identity and other identities as a sign of “laziness” or “lack of passion.” And while they are exiting the workforce due to retirement, Boomers still hold a share of the workforce due to retirement age ticking upwards.
  • Gen X ( born 1965-1980, roughly 35% of the workforce.) Gen X introduced a shift in familial gender norms, with mothers remaining in the workforce and more fathers coaching little league. They are self-reliant, hard working and were the first generation to have a distrust for large corporations. Gen X is adaptable to technology, as their careers have been present both with and without technology. And as technology has evolved so rapidly throughout their careers, they’ve been forced to keep up with the times. Gen X currently holds the majority of management and leadership positions.
  • Millennials (born 1981-1996, roughly 35% of the workforce.). Millennials are viewed as entitled because they saw the generation before them integrate life into business and strive for the same “life outside of work” experience. They need recognition and praise for their work, value culture above loyalty and for context, Millennials entered the workforce during or immediately after the 2008 recession.
  • Gen Z (born 1997-2012). Gen Z beat their own drum and seek value, purpose and flexibility as main priorities. They are mission driven, prefer hybrid or remote first work and are susceptible to social isolation and loneliness. We are still learning more about Gen Z and their work style.

And don’t forget, Gen Alpha will be coming soon…

A generation is more than the prescribed years they were born into. Economic, societal and historical events, as well as the norms and beliefs that are held during the collective experience of “growing up together.” And with the workplace holding diverse numbers of different generations, that comes with different learned and lived experiences and unique communication styles.

And the problem is – different generations are communicating with each other incorrectly while expected to work together. For example, Boomers are primarily using very short hand emails, Millennials are using Slack and Gifs while Gen Z is using memes and TikTok.

So how do we get on the same page when it comes to different generations in the workplace together?

As a workplace communications expert, here are 5 key strategies to help manage and communicate effectively with those “difficult” Gen Z professionals in the workplace.

  • Revamp Onboarding Plans: Onboarding, everboarding and professional development plans should be continuous. Take a look at your current onboarding plan through the eyes of your younger employees (ask for their feedback too) and integrate microlearning, collaborative learning, hands-on learning, mobile learning and personalized learning.
  • Train on Email Communication: 73% of business is done via email and yet, no one is taught how to effectively communicate via email. Train Gen Z, and all staff, on the best practices of email communication. Offer microlearning opportunities such as LinkedIn Learning courses or allow employees to enroll in courses like Email Tip Academy. 
  • Establish Meeting Etiquette: Create explicit guidelines, rules and best practices for meeting etiquette and expectations when running in person meetings, virtual meetings, client meetings and internal meetings. Gen Z needs a playbook, give it to them.
  • Incentivize Relationship Building: Give Gen Z a reason to feel a sense of belonging in the workplace. While Gen Z is reliant on technology, they are also susceptible to isolation and loneliness. Curate opportunities to build professional relationships and facilitate relationship skill building.
  • Teach Executive Presence: Teach Gen Z how to have executive presence. Gen Z knows their value but they struggle to communicate it, and how to communicate it humbly. Younger generations always think they are better than older generations. While they have a lot of learning to do, they also have good ideas too. Teach them how to convey their ideas in a productive way and watch the innovation of the company progress.

Intentional communication matters, and it can turn those “hard to manage” Gen Z colleagues into the best asset for the organization. Leaders build a collaborative workplace when they invest the time to understand generational differences, tailor their communication strategies and provide the appropriate tools and guidance. By fostering mutual respect, clear expectations and a shared sense of purpose, organizations can create an environment where every employee feels valued and empowered to contribute their best. The future of work is multigenerational—let’s embrace it with empathy, adaptability and a commitment to growth.


About the Author

Jenna Rogers is the founder of Career Civility, a workplace communications training firm based in Chicago, dedicated to helping professionals navigate the modern workplace.
With over 44,000 followers on Instagram (@careercivility), Jenna is an influential leader in this field, known for her clear and actionable personal and career-focused tips, scripts, and advice.

Driven by her personal experiences navigating communication challenges in the workplace, Jenna understands that we each have our own societal and life experiences, and unique communication styles that drive how we communicate at work. She’s on a mission to bring civility back into the workplace.

As a part of the work Jenna does at Career Civilityshe offers workshops where she teaches organizations how to upskill their workforce in these important communication practices.

If you need help teaching your team how to communicate across the different generations represented in your workplace, go ahead and have a conversation with Jenna.

You can also follow Career Civility on Instagram and LinkedIn.

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